itacom Mobile - Einrichtung Smartphones

AstraSync Keyboard Shortcuts
'c' -    Neue Nachricht verfassen
't' -     Navigation zum Anfang der Inbox
'b' -    Navigation zum Ende der Inbox
'space' - nach Unten navigieren
'v' - Nach Oben navigieren
'Del' - Löschen
'Fire' - Öffne aktuelle Nachricht
'n' - Nächste Nachricht ansehen
'p' - vorherige Nachricht ansehen
'r' - Antworten
'l' - Allen Antworten
'f' - Weiterleiten
'Alt-u' - Nachricht als ungelesen markieren
Reset der Kontakte
1) On the Device in AstraSync go to Menu > Options > Sync Settings.
2) Unselect the Contacts option.
3) Hit Menu > Save.
4) You will get a warning that items will be deleted on the device
5) Hit Menu > Yes.
6) This should remove all items in the Address Book, if items are left behind, you should reboot device
7) Once the data is deleted on the device go back into Options > Sync settings
8) Select the Contacts option
9) Hit Menu > Save.
10) AstraSync will now sync the items on the device back to the BlackBerry.

For OS 6.0 ONLY

For customers running on Operating System 6.0, it may be necessary first manually wipe the contacts on the device before proceeding. There is a bug in OS 6.0 which means if you try to delete through AstraSync, you will get a security prompt for each contact.

1) From the device home screen go into 'Manage Connections' and turn off all connections. This is very important!
2) Go into the Contact list on the phone. Press Menu > Options. This will take you to 'Contact Options' page. Type in the letters: 'rset' (without the quotes). You will not see anything as you type, however at the end you should see the following popup

"Wireless sync for default is not enabled, wipe contact list anyway?"

Hit YES. This option will remove all the contacts from the phone instantly.
3) Reboot the phone. (Take battery out and reinsert). This is also very important!
4) Once the phone is backup, check the contact list, there should be 0 contacts. (At this point the connection should still be off)
5) Go into AstraSync, hitting yes to the prompts on startup
6) Go into Menu > Options > Sync Setting. Uncheck the option for Contacts.
7) Go into the main contact list and ensure there are no contacts. If there are contacts then there may be some other program that is writing the contacts in. Check for this and disable those programs. For example, the AT&T Address Book program.
8) Go into Manage Connections and turn the network connection back on again.
9) Go into AstraSync, Menu > Sync Status. Force a sync and ensure email/calendar (if selected) sync okay. (Note: Contact option should still be off at this point.)
10) Once a sync has completed, go into Menu > Options > Sync Settings. Select 'Contacts' and save. The contacts should now sync back to the device.
Reset des Kalender
The steps involved are:

1) On the Device in AstraSync go to Menu > Options > Sync Settings.
2) Unselect the Calendar option.
3) Hit Menu > Save.
4) You will get a warning that items will be deleted on the device
5) Hit Menu > Yes.
6) This should delete all Calendar data. If there is data left over, reboot the device.
7) Once the data is deleted on the device go back into Options > Sync settings
8) Select the Calendar option.
9) Hit Menu > Save.
10) AstraSync will now sync the items on the device back to the BlackBerry.
Reset E-mail
The steps involved are:

1) On the Device in AstraSync go to Menu > Options > Sync Settings.
2) Unselect the Email option.
3) Hit Menu > Save.
4) You will get a warning that items will be deleted on the device
5) Hit Menu > Yes.
6) Once the data is deleted on the device go back into Options > Sync settings
7) Select the Email option
8) Hit Menu > Save.
9) AstraSync will now sync the items on the device back to the BlackBerry.